Collecting People | Alice Zannoni in dialogue with Osservatorio Futura


COLLECTING PEOPLE | Alice Zannoni in dialogue with Osservatorio Futura

>>>Monday, October 18, 6 pm
Tram Diogene, Rotonda Regio Parco e Verona, Torino

As part of Collecting People – an initiative aimed at sharing knowledge through extemporaneous meetings and interventions, sometimes determined by the simple passage in the city of a researcher – Diogene Project is happy to host Alice Zannoni in dialogue with Osservatorio Futura.
Alice Zannoni, curator of Bologna and co-founder of SetUp Contemporary Art Fair, carries on a research work on communication and dissemination of contemporary art trying to make it understandable to any unprepared but curious observer. In 2018 she wrote the book “Art contemporary explained to my grandmother “, in which she recounts the experience of dialogue and confrontation with the elderly grandmother Zita on some key themes of artistic research: “I want the pages of this book be a ‘tool’ to train thought to explore (…) a world, that of art contemporary, which can often appear bizarre and meaningless, but which feeds on reality for to exist”.
The will to undermine the elite dynamics of the art public and the demonstration that art can entering into the things of life can generate questions about the intentions of those involved in art: can it affect everyone’s life? if not all, it is possible that it falls within the whole vital sphere, in the passionate dynamics of everyday life? must the artist’s work necessarily ‘reach’ everyone? the profession of the contemporary artist, how can it be modeled on these issues and how it affects the society?
We will try to give answers (or find other questions) with Osservatorio Futura, collective curatorial born in 2020 in Turin, whose project is constituted as an observatory attentive to contemporary artistic projects and the dynamics that govern cultural work in its entirety.

Alice Zannoni
Born in Arzignano (Vicenza) on March 30, 1981. She lives and works in Bologna. She graduated in Aesthetics at Dams-Arte in Bologna with Luciano Nanni, where she also obtained the master in “Culture of innovation, markets and business creation”.
She has been involved in visual arts for over fifteen years as an art critic, independent curator and you collaborate as a freelance with magazines in the sector. She was a professor of History of Design at the Laba di Rimini, Administrative Director of the Campori Foundation; she conceived, founded and directed SetUp Contemporary Art Fair of which you are now Sole Director. You have published the book “L’arte contemporary explained to my grandmother ”(Nfc Edizioni).

Osservatorio Futura
Osservatorio Futura is a fluid research center and exhibition space. An ongoing project evolution composed to date of a digital platform, a non-profit cultural association and one exhibition space in via Carena 20 in Turin. Each part of the project is independent and interconnected.
The mission is the promotion and enhancement of emerging artistic research, with the vision of create a network among young professionals, proposing a good work ethic through the establishment of a virtuous mechanism.

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